Friday, March 21, 2008

Multimedia message

I'm not entirely sure, but i think a crack of that size means there's something wrong...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back, by Popular Demand

Or at least demand... which in my case ends out to be popular I'm sure.

Anyhow, I suppose I can let you know a little about what's going on over the next two weeks - research for my philosophy paper.

Basically the concepts are dualism and naturalism, their strengths, weaknesses, and which philosophy I find more convincing, or both, or neither.

Both of dualism and naturalism are metaphysical world views. Metaphysics being the study of what is real. Is matter real? Is there non-physical matter? These are questions that dualism and naturalism attempt to answer.

For the dualist, reality is comprised of two (or dual) different parts. You have the physical and apparent part, and the hidden part. For instance, the dualist could look at one of his friends and say "Oh, that's Sarah." What if she were in some horrible accident and her arms and legs were lost? Well, most likely he would still be able to say, "Oh, that's Sarah." So for the dualist, the body is obviously not entirely the person. Now, perhaps that same friend, rather than get in an accident, just woke up one day and decided she would flip her personality completely around. Well, the dualist would most likely say, "That looks like Sarah, but it's not the Sarah I know!" This is because there are two different parts to the person. The literal, physical body, and the hidden, mysterious mind or soul.

The naturalist, on the other hand, thinks a bit different. The naturalist sees the wold according to "nature's laws". When the naturalist drops a stone, ten times out of ten she observes it drop to the ground. Not only that, but any time she observes anyone drop anything, she sees it drop to the ground. In addition, everything she observes behaves in certain ways. An ice cube that is less dense, floats in the water. The naturalist observes that upon death, the person stops moving and reacting, and begins to decompose. So for the naturalist, the person ends at death.

Really there are quite a few more principles that describe dualists and naturalists, but really that's all I have the effort to mention at the moment...


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Friday, March 14, 2008

Post #490

It's big. It's round. It's post number 490. Stay tuned for a larger, rounder post when we get to 500!

Right now I'm working on this amazingly old laptop, trying to get it to run decently enough. But I'm having slight problems... mainly that it's SOOO slow. The other part is that for some reason it doesn't like to see the CDROM drive so it could do something useful, like boot from it. Also for some reason I seem to have lost my ... train of thought. It appears to have been derailed, killing 12 people in the process.


Oh that's what I lost! my ubuntu CD... it's odd... it doesn't seem to be really anywhere. So I'm currently downloading the most recent version. I may end out using it to upgrade my installation on my other laptop as well... it's going to be a weekend full of fun and profit! Well... fun at least :P


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Multimedia message

Feed me seymor!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Twilight Zone

Jessica Sonner

Jessica sonner, a singer/songwriter who performed at the student center today. She has a very jack johnson/norah jones sound. I'm rather impressed with her so far! You can find her music on itunes or

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Jessica sonner, a singer/songwriter who performed at the student center today. She has a very jack johnson/norah jones sound. I'm rather impressed with her so far! You can find her music on itunes or

Multimedia message

Jessica sonner, a singer/songwriter who performed at the student center today. She has a very jack johnson/norah jones sound. I'm rather impressed with her so far! You can find her music on itunes or


So my stupid phone isn't sending MMS (that's Multimedia Media messages)... grrr!


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tired. Busy. Lot's of pain?

So... list of things to do monday:
Start reading my chemistry chapter 5
Finish up reading my philosophy chapter on Aristotle.
Probably some other stuff too, but it really depends on if it's raining.

This evening, at 5PM we have a YSA planning meeting, then a potluck, then a fireside. I'm not 100% sure on who's speaking...

Life has been kinda... stretched between two polar opposites. I'm not able to be with my best friend as she's going through a rough time and is rather sick... I don't have a good car or money. On the other hand, however, I have different fingers....

Also, I have the love of a beautiful woman. I have cool technology.

I really want to get my bike fixed, also.

Aaaand.... I'm rather disjointed in all this what-not, I apologize.

But don't complain too much, at least you got a post!

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