Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spring Fix

So... it appears that spring break has been fixed, because monday we're back to school. Woo.

And by woo I really mean boo.

I'm incredibly tired right now. Not just sleepy, but I'm tired of other things too. Mainly... people who don't trust me.

That really bugs me.

I mean... I'm a rather constant person. And for sure when I make up my mind about something.

Bleh. Things!




Thursday, March 29, 2007


so guess what?

I got my tablet today!

It's so cool! I'm writing this on my computer ...Not just typing. It's hecka slower, but that's ok, because, dude, I'm WRITING!! How cool is that?

very Cool. that's how cool

Well, that's enough of the writing... but man... sweetness! lol.


ttyl, Wayne

Wednesday, March 28, 2007



I realized I have little desire.

I also realized that I don't know what I want with my life.

I used to know. And have desire. It was all there for me, once. Anymore... I'm just flotsam in the river of life.

I used to really care about people. I wanted the best for them, I wanted to be a part of their life... I wanted to listen to their problems, and be someone people could always go to if they had a problem. I wanted to hang out with people, and just chat & what-not.

But I don't want that anymore. I mean, I'll do it, and if someone is obviously just bleh... I'll listen to 'em and if they want I'll try and help 'em out.

But I've lost that desire. I feel like a shell of my former self. I don't enjoy the things I used to love. I just... do things because they're things to do.

And here's the crazy part. I wish I had someone who wants to just be with me... (and can)... but I don't want to spend the time/effort/whatever to meet new people and develop those relationships. It's kinda weird. Because I don't even desire it. It's just a physical urge. Like eating when I'm hungry, sleeping when I'm tired. Some companionship when I'm lonely.

Man. I think I am seriously screwed up.

So I just do the things I have to do. I go to work. I go to school. I do my schoolwork. Sometimes I do other things that I don't have to do, but I just do them to do them. Like my walk. I was feeling a little trapped... and I haven't walked in a while, so that was nice. But it didn't really satisfy what I'm missing. Bleeeeeh.


Black Adder

So I just finished watching the first episode of Black Adder, a comedy starring Rowan Atkinson. It's pretty darn funny. Set in 1380, it "chronicles the wickedly funny misadventures of the terminally treacherous Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh.

Them Brits are dang funny, let me tell you... lol.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Actually I have no idea if that's how it's spelled, and I can't be bothered to check babelfish for the translation.

Oh well.

Anway, today has been rather good, I believe.

Activities were as follows:
Wake up
Do some math-type homework
Get frustrated at said homework
Eat some lunch/breakfast
Play some Wii
Watch some TV
Take a nap
See no one is online
Get slightly depressed because I have no one to talk to, whine whine, emo emo.
Go on a walk. Walk from my house, to Lake Valencia, to Lake Willastein, around Lake Willastein, and then back home.
Putter around the house.
Do some history HW
Post this blog.

It's been pretty good.
I'm looking forward to playing with my WACOM tablet when it comes here!

Oh so much fun... Well... oh. This was done on a WACOM tablet. The Diary of Edwin Carp. I like it. For some reason it reminds me of Paddington Bear. Who rocked your socks off. And he loved marmalade. I've had marmalade, and it's OK... but dude. Paddington rocks.

Well anyhoo... I think I shall take my leave of this consciousness and return again another day.



Actually I have no idea if that's how it's spelled, and I can't be bothered to check babelfish for the translation.

Oh well.

Anway, today has been rather good, I believe.

Activities were as follows:
Wake up
Do some math-type homework
Get frustrated at said homework
Eat some lunch/breakfast
Play some Wii
Watch some TV
Take a nap
See no one is online
Get slightly depressed because I have no one to talk to, whine whine, emo emo.
Go on a walk. Walk from my house, to Lake Valencia, to Lake Willastein, around Lake Willastein, and then back home.
Putter around the house.
Do some history HW
Post this blog.

It's been pretty good.
I'm looking forward to playing with my WACOM tablet when it comes here!

Schools out....

for spring break! w00t. So basically I'm doing a whole lot of nothing this week. Oh yeah, except for homework. Doesn't that fill your heart with immortal joy?

I have a paper to work on, a speech to write (2-3 minutes), and 3 chapters in history to read/study for a test next friday. Cool, huh?

Welp, that's all for now.

Oh, and my WACOM Tablet will be here friday ^_^ woot!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

You know, I've discovered an interesting thing about certain types of chopped liver. There is one specific kind I've found that's actually good for up to three years... it's truly amazing! But I've never seen any of the same kind since then... so if you want some chopped liver of your own, you're probably out of luck. I'm just glad that mine will last that long.

Anyway, for something horrifying... I seem to have lost interest in food right now. Odd.

Friday, March 23, 2007

So... I really need some friends.

I'm sure there's a chorus (or at least one) girl who says, "But Wayney, we are your friend!"

Well yes, but here's the problem - I don't have anyone to do anything with on such a nice day. Therein lies the problem

I'm also tired and I want a nap.

I think I'm gonna see about my hammock. Mmm, hammock. Or maybe I'll just lie down in my bed. That could work, too.


Update on Jealousy
I think I know why I get jealous. Actually, I'm somewhere between 95-100% sure.

You know why?

Because I know that every girl who has "liked" me or whatever... okay, let's back up and give you two examples.

The first one is my older brother. When he was serving a mission in South Africa, he got this letter from a girl telling him, in effect, "I'm getting married, and I don't think we should ever talk again."

You might think, well hey, that's kind of harsh, but I can see the reasons behind that... and no, no you can't.

1)My brother was not romantically interested in her.
2)They never "went out"

Now to my experience...

I liked this girl... she was the first one to kiss me (we were like 5)... that's a story for a different day. Anyways, I've always thought she was the bees knees. We were friends when we were young. Well, when I was 17, I believe it was... eh... some background info first. She lived here in AR, then moved to Sioux Falls, SD. I was heartbroken. We wrote/emailed sparsely, and then when I was 16 or 17 we really got back into contact. Well, her aunt still lives down here, and they came to visit, she thought I was swell, I thought she was swell, we decided that I'd come up to SD to visit. So plan was worked out and OK'd - Her aunt & fam was planning on going to Nauvoo, IL, and so were they for the Nauvoo Temple open house (it was really neat, different story, different day).

Well, we met there, I went up to SD with them. I thought we had a marvelous time, but again I was mistaken. I wasn't romantic enough. What the heck? I was 17 she was 16 I think. My opinion? That's not too young to be able to be romantic, but that's certainly too young to be romantic, unless you want something much more than friendship.

Well, I don't know what she wanted (amazingly enough the next guy who made her feel "wanted" was actually playing her and had a girlfriend back where he was from... dummerkopf!), but I guess I wasn't it.

Well I was stupid then and tried to manipulate her into not giving up on me - bad idea, I've never done it since, or stopped as soon as I caught myself - and that really didn't go over well.

Well I wrote and sincerely apologized... after 3 months she decided she'd read the letter instead of throwing it out. She said she forgave me... I don't believe that, sadly. Well, anyway, fast forward to... I think shortly after I got home from my mission...

Well, I talked to her online - and guess what?

If you said(or thought), "She said 'I got married and I don't think we should ever talk again.", you'd be right.

That's why I'm jealous, that's why I'm bitter, because girls don't care about me. None of them have. When I've not met their husband criteria, I become a contender, regardless and even in spite of my intentions. Fetch, I could be freaking married and I doubt they'd want to talk to me.


Worse than those experiences are the ones where the said girl (or worse, a girl I'm interested in, but either a)can't have for some reason or another, or b)she doesn't show signs of interest), goes after STUPID guys. Let me explain what I mean by stupid. I believe sex is a pretty important, and really, a sacred thing. I believe that all physical acts leading up to that are basically in the same ballpark (hmmm... coincidence that they've nicknamed 'em "bases"?). Cuddling is about the extent of what I honestly care to do. So these stupid guys... yeah, they think a relationship is about kissing, sex, or whatever.

My opinion? That has little to do with a relationship. Oh, don't get me wrong, once I'm married... well, that's none of your business.

So these girls go after guys like these - and guess what? These creeps pull some stunt, and 'hey, I don't want you anymore'. And then they come to me complaining about it. That's fine and all - I will always listen to you if you need a shoulder (that goes for anyone who's reading this). And I won't try to give you advice unless you actually ask for it.

But if you do, you have been warned. I'm going to tell you that acting that way - going after relationships like that - is about the stupidest way to act. I know you're smarter than that. I know I am at least, and that's why I don't get in relationships with stupid girls. Anymore. Heh.

But I think I find that situation a teeeeeeny bit more bearable. Why? Because at least I know you trust me enough, and at least think I'm someone you can run to, to actually tell me.

But for the most part, even those girls, too, cease to talk to me. Why? Because I tell them that what they're doing is wrong. I don't say "ooh, he's such a jerk for doing that to you," I say, "Okay, he's pretty much a complete jerk, but why are you acting so stupid? You're smarter than that and better than him. Why do you keep getting in relationships like that? My goodness! You're just in for more and more heartbreak if you keep on going after complete jerk heads!" though usually it's nicer.

But it doesn't change the fact that eventually, they too will stop talking to me.

And that's why I hate seeing girls I care about in relationships, because I know it's only a matter of time before they never talk to me again.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

First off, the second opera was so much better. It was hilarious and super corny - right down my alley, and needless to say, cracked me up ^_^

The acting was pretty good (I think there was a little bit better acting in the first one), but I loved the story, and they pulled it off rather well. I would have liked a little stronger voices from some (they had great pitch(as far as I can tell)), and some different expressions on a few of the main characters... but I don't know how long they had to practice, or if I could have done better, so I'm not really complaining.

So yeah it was great.

Now here's another really bizarre topic - Jealousy.

Why in the world do I get jealous? I don't do anything with my jealousy, I just get it. And it's really weird, too, because I'm jealous over /every/ girl, regardless. It's weird and it's true. For instance - I could have a girlfriend, and I could know some girl is perfectly happy with her guy... but that wouldn't stop me from being jealous.

I wonder if I'm severely crazy, or is that some sort of biological urge to get my genetic materiel passed around as much as possible? Or some other reason?

Honestly, I don't know... but I do so often feel that way.

Heh. But I told you I have problems!

So that's my weird jealousy bit. I'm totally insane and I have to be up probably realistically by 5 to get showered & what-not, but in reality I'll probably be asleep till 6 and then be running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Joi.

Well... I believe that's all...

Oh... wait...

a bit more about jealousy... I'm so weird, I get jealous even when I don't like the person a whole lot. Like say I'm indifferent towards them, I still am all "eehhhhhh" when it comes to them being in a relationship with someone else. The only people I don't get jealous of are those that I really have no anything at all.

I think another part of me also likes to self-fulfill prophecies. That is, I say "boo hoo, I'm so terrible, nobody loves me and they always do this to me." And then I act a certain way to elicit those responses. I suppose I think I'm weeding out the people who don't really want to be my friend, which could be fairly accurate. Apparently my problem is no body wants to be my friend, if that were the case.

Anyway, I'm hungry, I'm tired, and I'm not sure what all I've said.


Having a laptop with wireless internet is nice. It's intermission right now for the opera workshop at UCA. The first opera, The Medium was performed really well. It was a tragedy play, so of course a little on the depressing side.

It was about... dun dun daaahn - a medium! Well, a con artist. She took in this mute, toby, who helped scam, and her daughter. Baba, the name of the medium, felt a hand touch her on the neck in a seance, and tries to find out who it was who touched her.

The actors(?) were really good, and I was impressed with their talent. I had a severe lack of interest in the subject matter, though, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. I'm looking forward to this next one - The Lantern Marriage. It seems like it has a pretty good plot, but we'll see.

So apparently I'm not the only one who's got that song - "mother, mother, are you there?" stuck in my head. It had this nice creepy melancholy tune. I'm hungry though... starving, really. I'm debating whether or not I should go to grab something to eat or just drive home... I'm not sure which will keep me awake more. Speaking of which - driving home - I was headed home last night, and I saw about 10-15 deer snarfing the country clubs golf course grass. Seriously. I had a severe desire for some delicious venison, let me tell you! Mmmm, deer jerky is really good.

Dang... I hate being hungry. Lol.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I remembered!

This is what bugs me...

I will tell a girl, "Hey, I'm a jerk and will probably be not very nice to you at some point." Or something along those lines. And they usually say, "Oh, tee hee! No you're not, ur so nice! <333." Or something to that effect.

Well, that's not the part that really bugs me. I mean, Ok, if you don't think so, whatever...

But then when I /am/, when I actually do something, and then they're surprised or hurt! I mean, I told them! In very plain language.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't (usually) try to be a jerk head. But it's invariably going to happen, either because I'm not sensitive, or something I think is really funny (and probably really is) isn't funny to them... I don't know.

But it bugs me. I'm honest and up front about it, but that's really not too important to them, I suppose...

I think really the worst part though is there's no real, say, immediate forgiveness or anything? I don't know, maybe I'm just that way...

See, when I was with her, I would tell her how I felt. If I felt jealous, I would tell her. If I felt a little annoyed or something, I'd tell her too. I didn't expect anything from her, really. I wasn't trying to tell her that I disapproved of what she was doing. For the most part, intellectually I didn't mind, but something inside of me went "GRAWWWR!!! MINE!!!!". And so I was informing her of that (and I think I even told her that... if not, I thought it really hard :P) but I don't know... I don't think that helped her any. Of course I never really knew how she felt, because she really wouldn't tell me.

I was an outside observer. That was the worst part. I never was a part of her life, she never welcomed me in. Oh sure, she spent oodles of time on me, such as talking on the phone (mainly), but that was where it ended. She didn't let me loan her money. She didn't (really) talk about things that were going on with her, how she felt...

But I let her in my life. I made her a part of it. That was my mistake, I guess. I let her in so deep and so fast, because I trusted her. I believed her when she told me that it was me she wanted, and she would overcome whatever she had to. But that wasn't quite the truth. She got tired of dealing with me and my problems, specifically, how I kept on trying to be a part of her life, I think. Hm... I think that may also be it. She didn't want a friend, and that's what I needed. So I made her my friend. I gambled and I lost it all. She didn't want me to be her friend, she wanted me to be another one of her goaty goats.

To explain, she just wanted me to be there for her. Sitting out there, snarfing my grass, waiting patiently. And then when she felt like she wanted my company, then I would be there for her. But just like you don't want goats inside your house - they tend to make a mess of things - I couldn't be inside her life, probably for the same reason.

Now, I could be completely off the mark, 100% wrong (usually am, but that doesn't stop me from trying, usually), but until I know so... that's really my best guess. That's the only thing I can say, from my point of view, that makes any sense from me.

What I would like to see(maybe), is an account, written by her. Not in rebuttal or response to this. Heck, if she's read this, it's entirely too late. Probably.

I don't know if I could read it with an open mind and heart, although I'd try.

And so because of her, because of that. I don't really try to let anyone into my life anymore. I mean, there are a certain few who I'd like to have in my life. You probably know who you are. Funny enough, that statement will probably have the wrong effect on at least one person. And that comment will make most wonder.

But back to the point... I do, but I also don't want people in my life. My heart tells my head, "You don't even THINK about it! You saw what happened last time! Back the freak OFF!!!"

And so really, I do. I mean, what desire I have to be all cool with someone... is dampened or completely nulled by the rest of me...

So all I become is an observer. Just like she wanted. Isn't that funny?

Monday, March 19, 2007

First off...

They can't do that to Wash!!! What the heck???!!!!


So it's kind of bizarre. I had something to say about girls... but I can't really remember what it was...


Well, maybe I'll remember.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Post 300!!! w00t!

And guess what!

I got shot!

Okay, Not really. But in my dream I did. It was totally bizarro. Me and some other guy were at this house and for some reason some guy came in, he shot us both in the hands I think and I believe I got shot in the side as well. But he didn't hit anything vital, although it hurt like a *somethingsomething*. Well that guy left, and then me and this other guy were walking home, and I saw this girl who lives across the street from me. I think she said she was pondering or something. When asked what, she said "live, love, sex..." and a few other things I don't remember. So me and this other guy are gimping home, and she doesn't even notice.

Good job, subconscious, lol.

Then I woke up. And that was the end of my dream. Weird, huh?

Yesterday we went to Best Buy so I could look at some laptops while my dad went to screen some crazies who (probably) tried to kill themselves. Well, after I looked at the laptops I got a little bored and went to go play guitar hero. It was pretty fun. Not very much like playing guitar, but pretty fun.

If I had a ps2, I'd probably get it.

Well anyhoo, I need to shower some time, and brush my teeth, because I can taste my breath, and let me tell you - it would melt metal. Rawr!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

next post is the 300 mark! w00t.

And yes I would.

merg... 300 comes later? nap comes now...


You know who, I have three words: Don't be emo!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So I woke up this morning at about... well, let's go back. I had this dream, right? Nightmare, really, that I overslept until about 10AM. I was (probably) thrashing around, trying to get up but couldn't. Well, then I wake up and hey, it's 4:48AM.


So I kinda went back to sleep, and just now really woke up and took a shower & noticed Kye was trying to talk to me at 4:30. Hmm. Maybe why I woke up.

Well, anyway, that happened. Then I got on here, wrote these few things, and there are some other things I need to do before school.

p.s. I really hope we can get me a new laptop... I think that'd be the bees knees.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So, you may have thought I was... well I don't know what you thought when I was talking to the three of you. Or seemed pre-occupied. I certainly was that. There were some little 5th grade dramas going on... holy cow. So trying to talk to this girl... yeah, didn't work. And she decided I might be tasty to bite. Or something. Anyway, she bit each wrist... I hope she didn't have rabies.

Lol. Kids... if my kids are like that, I will be severely disappointed.

And don't worry, I won't be like your uncle. Besides, unless you plan on what you were referring to, then I really don't see a reason for me to shave.

And wow... why the heck was H going to tell me that? Or whatever? I mean... seriously? If I wanted, I could just LOOK and hey, I can get a pretty good idea of whatever I wanted to know? Meh... that's just weird. Oh and just FYI - I have a little too much respect for you to do that.

So... if any of this is incoherent or you're just like "WHAT??@!?!?!", I apologize. I'm tired, it was a long night. Also it's been a long day. They were 5th graders - what do you expect? Now I'm hideously tired and I might take a nap before I do ALL THE FREAKING HOMEWORK I HAVE TO DO HOLY COW!!!!

Yeah... ttyl.

So, you may have thought I was... well I don't know what you thought when I was talking to the three of you. Or seemed pre-occupied. I certainly was that. There were some little 5th grade dramas going on... holy cow. So trying to talk to this girl... yeah, didn't work. And she decided I might be tasty to bite. Or something. Anyway, she bit each wrist... I hope she didn't have rabies.

Lol. Kids... if my kids are like that, I will be severely disappointed.

And don't worry, I won't be like your uncle. Besides, unless you plan on what you were referring to, then I really don't see a reason for me to shave.

And wow... why the heck was H going to tell me that? Or whatever? I mean... seriously? If I wanted, I could just LOOK and hey, I can get a pretty good idea of whatever I wanted to know? Meh... that's just weird. Oh and just FYI - I have a little too much respect for you to do that.

So... if any of this is incoherent or you're just like "WHAT??@!?!?!", I apologize. I'm tired, it was a long night. Also it's been a long day. They were 5th graders - what do you expect? Now I'm hideously tired and I might take a nap before I do ALL THE FREAKING HOMEWORK I HAVE TO DO HOLY COW!!!!

Yeah... ttyl.

Monday, March 12, 2007

I had a dream...

Where I was a bodyguard for the President, who was also not George W.

It was really weird. We opened some door, went into his office, and sat around and started talking like... politic stuff.

It was one WEIRD dream.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hehe... I have to say that made my night.

So I saw a friend of mine, and my brother's girlfriend walking to Subway... well of course, that's too great an opportunity to pass up (oh yeah, I was with a friend - she was driving...) so I have her turn around, and we pull up and I lean out the window and say, "Hey, isn't this a little late to be out on a school night?!" (Yes, I know friday night isn't a school night)... they kinda look back like, "Ugh! What a loser!"... and then they whip their heads back around, eyes wide open, mouth hanging a little slack as recognition strikes them. Heheh... oh man. So we chatted a bit, I introduced them... lots of fun.

I hope Subway was wonderful :)


Friday, March 09, 2007

So I've realized... I just need to hang out with more people that don't get on my nerves, and I'll be fine.


Okay... if you haven't seen Tuck Everlasting, and you think you might like it, don't read this!

If you really don't care, keep reading.
So I watched Tuck Everlasting yesterday. That movie made me pissed! Why? Because Winnie was (at least in my experience) a typical girlfriend.

I'm sure most people who watched that movie were all "awww, she decided to live life! how cute!"

More like HOW FULL OF SUCK AND A HALF!!! Do you know what she did? That jerk told Jessie she loved him... and rather than spending eternity with him, what did she do? That's right. She left him.

Oh, I'm sorry Tuck, I love you, but really, I love myself and my own life more. I really lied when I said I wanted to be with you forever. I don't think about what I say, I just say it because I think it sounds good and it will make you happy, but really. Yeah, I'm not going to back it up.

Can you tell I'm a little bitter? Hmmm... maybe it shows. Anyways. That pisses me off. And so do most girls (for the exceptions, you know who you are... if you don't know who you are, then you probably need to examine your behaviour). I'm just sick and freaking tired of dealing with all the crap that girls do. Every one of mine - they've been a Winnie. I've loved them... and she said she loved me more than anyone else... but that was a lie. No, they loved me if it was convenient. Or if I fit into their mold. They didn't tell me what their mold was, so I could choose to become that. They just had their mold for me, and oh, you don't fit in it? Well... tough luck. Enjoy THE REST OF ETERNITY without me!

Yeah... so more and more I'm thinking becoming a hermit would be a great idea...

Stupid Winnie's.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yes CL, I know, I know.

That still doesn't help the fact that I feel the way I do.

I'm not sure what I need to do... I guess start making money? I don't know. Because I really really don't feel at all like working on any relationships. I really don't. I'm just sick of the whole darn thing. And the only one(s) who have any way of being able to kinda say "Uh, Wayne, you're retarded, people care about you," are prevented from doing that by certain circumstances, and that's fine, I understand that. And so I feel like I have to wait until then before I can say, ah, hey, that's cool, or say Um... yeah, so I was right.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Well, Monday night I played volleyball... and was reminded why it's been over a year since I've played... because everyone around here (with the exception of one person who knows what she's doing and a couple of guys who are just OK)... I'm the only one who knows how to play volleyball.

So that gives me two choices. I can either just stand there and do nothing, because hey - the ball is going to someone else - OR, I can run around like crazy, trying to cover the whole side.

Well, that night I chose the former, and I really didn't have much fun at all. There was no real movement, and it really didn't matter what I did, because if I bumped it to someone else, they probably wouldn't hit it over the net, and nobody could set me to spike it.

So there was a whole lot of suck going on... we need to have a learning session where I get to teach them all how to play volleyball.

Well... that's enough complaining for me. For now :P

later - Wayne

Monday, March 05, 2007

So... Chopped Liver made some more AMVs... I think they're really darn good.

What's with the long silence at the end of bullet proof, though?

Spring. The time when girls begin to wear less and less, and something else that I really thought was important. But I really can't remember what that was supposed to be.

I have a test in Music appreciation in 30 minutes.

I get to play some volleyball with some of the other YSA tonight, so I'm really looking forward to that... I love me some v-ball!

I just hope someone on my team knows how to set, so I can spike... w00t. Otherwise I'll have to just resort to spiking the other teams ball - or blocking or whatever.

I thought our group was going to present in Oral Comm today, but apparently we weren't. Dummerkopf.

C'est la vie.

Apparently the MySpace spammers have decided that, since I'm not responding to their "h0tsexxychix324" then I must be gay. So now they've started trying to get the "guys" to attract me. I guess.

*sigh* stupid people.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I have a feeling this morning of irrational exuberance or yatta!




Double E



Saturday, March 03, 2007

You know what I would like?

I would like to have someone who lived close by. Someone, to whom I could say, "Hey, I checked out Tuck Everlasting from the library - do you want to come watch it with me?" and she would say, "Yes, I'll be right over."

I think that would be swell.

I don't think there's anyone around here like that.



p.s. I still like chopped liver. I think 150 lbs of chopped liver would be awesome.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Stupid bot tramps. I hope someone dies in a horrid single car accident.

I'm not even joking.

I've received at least one friend request a day. And it hasn't been from anyone that's a real person (at least not the girl they claim to be). Just these random bleeping friend requests that don't make any amount of sense. Why would I want to be friends with you? You're not even a real person!

Seriously, this was in one note someone sent me...
"Hey I'm not a paying customer here on this site, I'm using my friends account". Paying customer? What in the world is that supposed to mean? I don't know of anything on myspace you CAN pay for!

My frikken goodness.

I don't know if there are even terms strong enough to describe how much I want to completely eradicate those skunks. Oh death would not be enough. Not ever enough.

-me... disliking stupid people.

p.s. I still like chopped liver ^_^

Thursday, March 01, 2007

So... after today... I think I like chopped liver.

Specifically in the morning.

And yes, I am an idiot.

Also... brandie... poor brandie... you crack me up. Lol. More than anything, I think I'm curious as to what you thought I'd think. Or something.

Poor poor brandie, what ya gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what you gonna do?

So I subbed for 3rd grade - half a day, today. Slightly insane was all. Not as bad as some of the 7th graders, jeeze louise! But that's a story for a different day.

Well, I got 5 pages of written stuff... written for my Writing 1310. Not bad. Not great, but not bad. It's the draft (I think it's pretty hideous, actually, but that's what saturday is for... lots of writing!)

I wish I had a /decent/ laptop, with wifi at least. That would make certain things /so/ much better. Such as - I could write reports and things at school and chat while I'm at it.

Um... that's basically it. Though there could be more. I just need some money, that's all.

Well... I'll ttyl,